Changing Metaphors

A repository of Spiritual experiences, how to recognize and work with Them

A person who has become aware of him/herself as a spiritual being knows that the Spiritual realm is infinite. It has no limits of time or space, It can not be described by images, feelings, or words. The spiritually aware person knows that mental images, emotions, or words are finite and can not accurately describe the infinity of the Spiritual realm.

   The only tool available to teach others Spiritual awareness is the use of metaphors. The objective of a metaphor is to uplift someone to the point in their awareness that they are able to take the leap of seeing themselves as a Spiritual being.

   To understand what a metaphor is, think of it as a picture taken at an event. That picture freezes one moment in the event. The event then continues to unfold beyond the picture.

   Now think of a metaphor as a picture of a spiritual event. The metaphor captures a moment in Spirit and Spirit continues to progress beyond the metaphor. So as the persons awareness of her/himself as a Spiritual being grows the metaphor needs to change. What occurs in a person’s growth of spiritual awareness is that they will progress through existing metaphors to creating their own metaphors and finally reaching the point where they no longer need any metaphors. They simply see the universe as it is.

   If you understand what is being said here, you need read no further. If you feel there is truth in these words, but do not quite understand, read on. If you do not understand and feel these words are blasphemous stop reading. You have come across these words too soon. Go back to the metaphor that is working for you presently. Perhaps you will come across these words in the future.