God as Micromanager

The concept of God as a thing, man, woman whatever, is probably the hardest misconception to remove from our minds, so let me give some of my views on the subject. The first thing that needs to be understood is that Creation, or what many people call God, is a state of consciousness, It has no form, no gender, no place.  It exists for one reason only and that is to create, every instant for eternity, It never stops for although creation in the Worlds of Duality is complete, creation in the Spiritual Realm is eternal. Actually that is not quite accurate, for in reality It is recreating the universe every moment, some say that this is how Soul is created, for soul also is not a thing but a state of consciousness, and with each recreation of the universe a unique state of consciousness is created and that state is Soul, so in the next instant a new Soul is created ad infinitum, and this is Souls connection to Creation. This concept has been misinterpreted by some as, Soul is created when a human is born, that is the basis for such emotional opposition to abortion by some people, they think you are killing a Soul. Again the reality is that Soul is already in existence waiting for the birth process to end so as to be able to take over control of the new born human. 

  But I digress, my point in discussing this subject is to show that because the Creator is always busy creating, It has no time to judge Souls actions, that is to say that It cannot take Its attention off creation for even an instant or else creation will cease to exist. The Creator is not sitting on a Heavenly Throne, micromanaging every little action that Souls throughout the universe are performing, It is simply creating. So if that is not the case, than one might ask, what is going on? And the answer to that question is simple, either Soul is aware of and following the laws of the universe or It is not, if It is than things run smoothly, if It is not than things run amuck. To clarify let me give you an example, if you understand the law of gravity you know not to walk off of a twenty foot cliff, if you are unaware of either the law or the cliff than when you walk off of it, you fall. This is not punishment for a sin, it is simply the result of not being aware of and in balance with the laws of the universe. As a side bar in the subject, if you are very agile and know Parkour  you might be able to walk off of a twenty foot cliff and not get hurt, however this is different, it is a Soul that has special knowledge and experience and can appear to bend the laws of creation. It is a situation that if it were on TV they would tell you not to try it at home.


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